About Us

Gary Penn Regional Manager MMGA

“At 50 years old, I was looking for a late-in-life opportunity. Being self employed I had always earned above average incomes. I owned  and operated  many business’s including steak house restaurants, and over 100 residential/commercial rental properties. A friend turned me on to the income earning opportunity of the final expense business.  The reality of not having to borrow and invest hundreds of thousands into a business and learning of my friends income was EXCITING!

Immediately I was hitting  $20,000/month AP sales volume in my friend’s company.   Then I found Lincoln Heritage, who provided a more lucrative monetary structure.  They took my business to a far greater level. They provide unlimited financed leads, more consistent daily income and residual renewals. Lincoln agents are higher paid in the final expanse market, they are number one by far! Their customer service is unique by paying death claims quickly in 24 hours, along with unheard of immediate telephone answer times, making  them Incomparable.  To me making friends at our conventions and learning from Lincoln’s large agent network keeps me motivated. I see some of these agents and team leaders making five times my income. This keeps me understanding there’s plenty of growth opportunity. Our market just keep growing!

I joined Lincoln Heritage as a sales person producer in August 2010  and in my first full year my 1099 showed $135,064. It didn’t take me long to figure out… this is an awesome choice for anyone with a willingness to work.  Because of my past business experiences I may have a unique perspective. My earlier businesses and rental properties required borrowing $100’s of thousand to earn a consistent $100K a year income.  As an entrepreneur the reality of no money investment and only hard work is a unique career opportunity. 

Our Agents in THE PENN GROUP have now helped over over 18,000 families in over 12 years. We are committed to help ambitious full-time team-mates build their own business income. New agents income potential is $500 a day, plus additional incentives, trips and long-term residual (renewal  incomes). The Lincoln family of agents and helpful leaders locally and nationwide are alway helpful to provide support, training and encouragement.

Our philosophy at TPG:
To learn and teach ONLY methods from top producers. 
We are always learning the best ways to prosper our partners. 
To provide local support, and encouragement and assistance. 
To inspire agents to financially independence.

If agents In California, Texas and Pittsburgh can, YOU CAN TOO!


Call: Gary 859-325-5781

Gabe Penn MGA

Gabe started with Lincoln Heritage straight out College. “My Uncle Called me while I was working on my MBA and encouraged me to get my license so I could earn some income. That year I earned more than most of my full-time working friends. Unbelievable!”

“The freedom is Awesome…to have my own business, be my own boss, help people in the worst time of their lives and have an opportunity to help others build their business. Our agency is like a family.  “Even top Lincoln producers from  other teams around the county will go out of their way to encourage and help each other become successful. Lincoln Heritage has been a life changing experience; beyond my imagination.”  Gabe

Call: Gabe 606-794-7535